EcoGypsum is a plasterboard recycler that transforms waste into Australia’s best premium agricultural gypsum. We offer a cheaper, greener and smarter alternative to landfill.
75% cheaper than landfill
100% recycled – Better for the environment
Bins, bags or manual pick up
GBCA 6 Star rating
Gypsum sales:
Call now to book a bin:

Plasterboard Recycling
Book a bin, bag, or manual pick up. When you’re ready we’ll pick up and recycle 100% of your plasterboard at our location near Melbourne CBD. Our end-to-end plasterboard recycling service makes going green almost too easy.
Agricultural Gypsum
We produce Victoria’s best agricultural gypsum. No paper, no nasty chemicals, no stress – just a quality product that’s trusted by hundreds of Australian farmers.


Meet Our Founders
EcoGypsum was founded in 2010 by father and son team Tom and Christian Buxton. Decades later we’re proud to still be family owned, and, unlike multinational corporations driven solely by profit, we put the environment and our community first. That’s why we are driven to continuously innovate and improve our recycling practices to ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

Green Building Council Australia Certification
Let us help you bolster your project’s green credentials and attract environmentally conscious consumers. Lift your next building project to a
6 star GBCA rating.